

fct's dancing machine//gfame

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36th discharge: The moment when I became an Inspirit. #1
Wednesday, December 28, 2011 | 0 comment[s]

Peace be upon to you.

Hmm. Aku rasa lawak la pula dgn tajuk entri aku kali ni. Tapi ada bbrpa kawan-kawan aku tanya and so, let me tell you here, how :)

The very first time aku rasa mau kenal Infinite was when aku tgk variety show: Star King. This show bukan utk org Korea ja, but anywhere around the world yg mahu tunjukkan bakat masing-masing kpada dunia :) I like that show sbb slain drg kasi tnjuk bakat, ada bbrpa org yg dtg prgi show tu utk cari ahli kluarga yg hilang, and so on. Aku prnah nangis tgk show ni ;') And akn ada bbrpa idol Korea akn jadi tetamu undgn something, harr.

Lepas tu ada stu episode ni where ada dua org pemain piano, sorang umur dia around 20s, cuma ada empat jari sahja, I mean, satu tangan dua jari, but boleh main piano dgn sgt hebat. You know? Like hebat. Sedih kisah dia. And another one, a girl around my age, sebelah tangan dia putus sbb kemalangan dlm umur dia 3 years old xsilap aku, so tgn sblh dia perfect, sblah lagi siku ja. But also boleh main piano dgn begitu peacefully.

The the MC Kang Ho Dong tanya budak prempuan tu, dia paling suka idol group yang mana? *The CNBLUE members were very eager to know cause they thought they will be the girl's number one choice XD* But then the girl said; the top 3 yang dia suka;
"CNBLUE is in the third place", and Yong Hwa was like :O LOL. And laugh. Then the girl said DBSK is her second choice and the studio was like "Yeahh.. DBSK is a legend." But then, aku fikir juga balik who will be the girl's number one choice. Maybe Beast. Hahaha, masa tu aku paling kenal dan minat Beast. Then the girl answered,


Seriously masa tu aku blank, sbb aku nda kenal lgsung dgn dorang. And aku pun trtanya2 siapa la pulak Infinite ni. Ahli brpa org? Masa tu kan cuma Woohyun dan Sungjong yg ada, so I thought cuma 2 org members jak. LOL HAHAHAHA. And seriously masa tu the studio pun terkejut gila, as well as the Infinite mmbers yg ada masa tu. Pastu the MC laugh and said "How come you guys (Infinite) can beat DBSK?" Semua ketawa. Cuma aku masih terblank. *Laughs*

And the curiosity, save the cat.

Aku nda cari info sgt psl dorang sbb masa tu PMR is getting closer and aku mau tinggal kejap minat aku yg stu ni untuk hundred percent focus for the exam. But along that time, started when dlm diam sbnrnya aku mau kenal Infinite tp aku elak sbb again for the exam, masa tu la Infinite byk kali muncul dkat kaca TV. Hahaha. The hot comeback, 'Be Mine' tu, haa. Aku tgk Inkigayo tu pastu rahang aku jatuh, 7 orang rpanya. And that time aku dgr the MCs said, "You guys (Infinite) are well-known as the most synchronized dance group, can you guys give a glimpse of your dancesteps?" *skip

Then dorang perform and aku tertarik esp part yg, "Ow, ow" tu, dgn part "Do you hear me?" Hahaha. Aku download and bila aku dgr balik, aku suka sgt rappers dia. Masa tu aku nda kenal laa tp aku suka dgn cara dorang rap. Dalam hati aku siapala rappers dia ni sbb aku usually akn dgr rappers dulu sblum vocal dlm mana2 grup pun :) And jyeah, their rap grab me. LOL. And one more, it's the first time aku tgk grup yg mmg buat betul2 bertenaga masa perform, #frankly speaking.

#To be continue in the next post. :)