

fct's dancing machine//gfame

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37th discharge: The moment I became an Inspirit. #2
Thursday, December 29, 2011 | 0 comment[s]

Peace be upon to you.

Then, isu epop (majalah) yg nta ke berapa, aku pinjam kawan aku punya, tunjukkan profile Infinite and yeah, aku tertarik sama dorang. And when aku balik bermalam, (balik rumah, cuti from hostel) adik aku tgh belajar dancesteps Paradise, new song again by Infinite at that time. #Note; My adik won't simply puji mana-mana grup melainkan dia betul-betul suka

So, dalam hati aku if adik aku pun boleh tertarik dgn dorang, it must've been cool. So I started to look at them :) I checked out their perfomances and yeah, I fell head over heels towards them. *LOL HAHAHAHAHAHA* Daebak. Daebak. After PMR habis aku ada niat mau kenal dorang dgn lebih terperinci, WAHAHA. Highlight, this was the first time aku suka satu grup psl charisma especially and their dancing and singing skills, Infinite. Means sebelum ni aku tgk muka dulu la. #Teruk aku ni. = =

Aku tgk Infinite YAMO, Infinite Sesame Player, all their songs, dan fu fu fu.
The rest is history :)

For me, mereka nda prnah putus asa mau majukan diri drg smpai skg. Even the other idols recognized them, their hardwork and all. Each perfomances drg buat yg terbaik, and everytime they practise, drg bagi tumpuan 100 percent. They always remember their family, friends and fans. *LOL aku puji berabis ni* In the other words, buat aku sdar diri aku untuk jangan mengeluh bila duduk asrama dan ingat family slalu, jgn pernah pndai2 mau putus asa kalau mau berjaya, dan enjoy cabaran. Sbb kalau mau brjaya bukan sekelip mata. Uuu ada gaya motivasi? HAHA.

#Well, this is, INFINITE!

*Tarik nafas* Jjang :D