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39th discharge: Today is OUR DAY (; Gayo Daejun!
Friday, December 30, 2011 | 0 comment[s]

Peace be upon to you.

Haha. Tajuk tu, buat orang kurius-murius kut. Jgn pasang tanggapan lain ey. =w= This is what will happen when an Inspirit and a Bestfriend got to see their idols in such a GREAT WAY. Kawan aku Shika sgt laa minat dgn Boyfriend, minat berabis. Apa-apa jak dia tahu psl dorang she'll text me straight away and so do me =w= I'll tell her everything about Infinite and so, kami dua pun jadi #InspritFriend. LOL pandai pandai jaa nobatkan diri sndiri dgn shabat begitu. Hahaha.

Dari tadi tengahari, kami dua layan Fiesta sama2 walaupun aku tercampak dkat Labuan dan dia dkat tmpt lain. Tapi duduk msg satu sama lain mcm bercerita dkat bilik TV asrama. Mampus kredit. Hahaha.

Kejadian #1;

Fiesta kasi siar Inkigayo; Special Edition "Green Concert" and ada Infinite =w= Hehehe. Teriak berabis aku okayy, lagi suka tgk drg perform dkat TV so that's why aku melompat mcm nda cukup tanah. #Okay hiperbola jaa tu

And ada Teen Top juga buat opening. Dia minat Niel and aku minat L.Joe. Hahaha. So we were both gone hyper during that concert. Aku sbnarnya nda tau cmna mau susun ayat aku dah ni. ==" Hahaha. And that time dorang nyanyi lagu Paradise. Wuwuwu jjang :D Okay aku excited trlampau ni.

Kejadian #2;

Lpas dorang kasi siar concert tu, ada lagi KPOP Countdown Inkigayo, sambung lpas tuu. And I felt so lucky sbb it's the very one episode yg aku mau tgk; THE DAY WHEN INFINITE WON THE TAKE 7 CHART. NUMBER ONE. With Paradise comeback. Masa tu cerun dekat mulut aku mmg naik terlampau dan xboleh turun2 dah. Lucky one. I'm so lucky. Hahahaha! Aku text Shika straight away and she said okay; and it was that very episode ngam Boyfriend buat comeback. So she was like "Wehh, hari ni mmg hari kita laa. Hari Infinite dgn Boyfriend. Hari Inspirit dgn Bestfriend. Wahhhhh!" And I laughed :) Yes definitely.

Kejadian #3;

Straight lpas tu Shika text me again; tell me to watch KBS sbb ada KPOP Festival, and ada Boyfriend and Infinite for sure. And I smiled. I love this day. HAHAHAHA. KPOP Festival ni kasi tunjuk orang dr ngara luar (Indon, Peru, etc etc.) to show their talents and passion towards the music. Dan bbrpa idols akn perform. Then Infinite perform "Paradise" and Shika text me "Infinite!! Leader, hahaha!" and so do I =w= LOL excited much. Habis jak dorang perform, Boyfriend took the stage! So I text her "Boyfriend!" and so does her. =w= We both got all hyper just because of the great coincidence. HAHAHAHAHA.

Kejadian #4;

Then ada lagi 2011 KBS Gayo Daejun pun mcm Music Festival and ada Infinite lagi =w= I really love their perfomance♥ And again we both got hyper again. Oh, BEAST's Fiction won the Song of the Year award in this Gayo Daejun, congratulation. And the fact that INFINITE COMES IN SECOND♥ I'm so proud of the boys! Well done! Next time dpt number one okay Infinite ;) We Inspirits will support yaa! *And I laugh hard seeing them enjoy shuffling around the stage during the DJ Koo Remix* LOL what a day.
I just can't believe that all these happened in one day. HAHAHAHAHA.

And and, my choding Yeollie's tweet ♥

Sungyeol's tweet 111230

늘항상 응원해주는 우리사랑 인스피릿 사랑해요♥ 2011년 하루밖에안남았는데 마무리잘하구 내년엔 훨씬멋진모습 보여줄게요 빠샤!!!!!!

[TRANS] Our lovable Inspirits who has always been supporting us, I love you♥ There’s only one day left for 2011 but will do the best till the end. Next year we’ll show you an even better side of Infinite PASHAA! (it’s the same meaning as hwaiting)

Infinite, thank you for giving the best for us. Be healthy and good luck in everything you do. Pashaaa Infinite! Just now you guys made me proud for being the runner up after Beast. Uuuuuu hahaha XD

And from Dongho's tweet *aku sgt excited xboleh blah*

A picture of my Dongho and Jang Dongwoo!
"dongwoo bought a 200 won milk tea for dongho AND EVEN HAD A SELCA."
And after *aku excited lagi* a picture of;

Baiklah, aku excited gila ni. I better calm down myself first. See you next time insyallah :D