Haha! Ohyes, just now I figured out that in So-Loved Award Infinite got The Best Perfomance Award, The Best Song Award and The Best Choreography Award. These boys ;') Congratulation INFINITE! Jyeahh I love Inspirit fandom all right. ;)
Well let's support Infinite like a big family together with Wooliment's staffs and all, our wonderful Baby Soul with an amazing voice, and Woolim's first girl group who will debut soon. Inspirits pashaa! Infinite PASHAA! ;D
And when senior/junior idols like.. Jaejoong , Super Junior , Lee Da Hae , B.E.G , Boom , Miyazaki Miho [AKB48] , KARA , Block B , Simon D , SNSD, Noel, WG, Minhwan(FT Island), UKISS, and a MC of Radio Star..
mentioned/like Infinite; until the smallest thing about Infinite also gets attention from many idols.. THEY IMPROVED A LOT. I'm so glad that Infinite is getting more recognition not just by the public but also by celebrities. =w=
*Over-excited dan terharu*
p/s; Mama aku xhabis2 dgn statement dia yg mnyatakan ayah aku dulu muda2 mcm Yong Hwa. Ayah aku jeles gila smpai dia mau tau siapa la gerangan budak Yong Hwa yg mama aku minat gila. Sekali ayah aku ckp, "Bukan ayah mcm Yong Hwa, Yong Hwa mcm ayah." Then aku ketawa xingat dunia. Merepek betul.
Pastu mama aku ckp yg dorang ni Goguma Couple versi 40 tahun. Ada ka patut. -.-
Haha! Ohyes, just now I figured out that in So-Loved Award Infinite got The Best Perfomance Award, The Best Song Award and The Best Choreography Award. These boys ;') Congratulation INFINITE! Jyeahh I love Inspirit fandom all right. ;)
Well let's support Infinite like a big family together with Wooliment's staffs and all, our wonderful Baby Soul with an amazing voice, and Woolim's first girl group who will debut soon. Inspirits pashaa! Infinite PASHAA! ;D
And when senior/junior idols like.. Jaejoong , Super Junior , Lee Da Hae , B.E.G , Boom , Miyazaki Miho [AKB48] , KARA , Block B , Simon D , SNSD, Noel, WG, Minhwan(FT Island), UKISS, and a MC of Radio Star..
mentioned/like Infinite; until the smallest thing about Infinite also gets attention from many idols.. THEY IMPROVED A LOT. I'm so glad that Infinite is getting more recognition not just by the public but also by celebrities. =w=
*Over-excited dan terharu*
p/s; Mama aku xhabis2 dgn statement dia yg mnyatakan ayah aku dulu muda2 mcm Yong Hwa. Ayah aku jeles gila smpai dia mau tau siapa la gerangan budak Yong Hwa yg mama aku minat gila. Sekali ayah aku ckp, "Bukan ayah mcm Yong Hwa, Yong Hwa mcm ayah." Then aku ketawa xingat dunia. Merepek betul.
Pastu mama aku ckp yg dorang ni Goguma Couple versi 40 tahun. Ada ka patut. -.-
A girl with a lot of flaws. She went to the wrong ways too often and when she saw the light at the end of the road, she tried hard to reach it but on her way she fell, she tripped and the light dimmed. She nearly gave up but she didn't. She then realized that if she never went through those ups and downs she will never appreciate life as she is now.