Sbelum aku tulis sgala bagai aku mau ucap alhamdulillah, thank you Allah sbb msih benarkan hamba-Mu ini utk terus hidup, thank you Allah. Bimbinglah aku sentiasa, May Allah shower us with His blessings, insyallah. Thank you my Lord, for giving me a lot of happiness throughout 2011. Thank you thank you. Bless us for the new phase of our world, may Allah brings happiness and blessings in our lives for infinity and beyond, amin. Protect me, my family, friends and all people around the world, amin Ya Rabb.
Aku nak jadi diri sendiri cukup la. Hahaha. Cuma aku harap dapat change a little bit ke arah kebaikan. Eh silap struktur ayat aku ni -.- Maksud aku, aku nak ubah yang buruk itu kpd yg lebih baik. Kita tgk sama-sama nnti,k? Aku harap ibadah aku full no malas-malas, communication dgn parents, friends and teachers improve, study baik-baik and never give up sbb xguna psg cita2 tnggi kalau xberusaha lgsung. Jadi insan yg lebih ceria dan positif serta matang hanya apabila diperlukan utk jadi sebegitu. LOL HAHAHAHA. Buat org skeliling happy insyallah and hargai zaman skolah yg main sikit. Erk, emo la pulok. HAHA. And jadi Inspirit yang baik. LOL =w=
Less than one hour before 2012 "to everyone, especially my lovely inspirits, happy new year~ hugs and kisses from LeaderGyu♥ Have you guys made your resolution? thank you for keep supporting Infinite this year, we'll work hard 2012!! ♥"
Okay, that's the end. It's first of January. Selit jap; *saengil chukka Sungmin-ssi* Let's start it with thousand thanks and praises to God♥
Sbelum aku tulis sgala bagai aku mau ucap alhamdulillah, thank you Allah sbb msih benarkan hamba-Mu ini utk terus hidup, thank you Allah. Bimbinglah aku sentiasa, May Allah shower us with His blessings, insyallah. Thank you my Lord, for giving me a lot of happiness throughout 2011. Thank you thank you. Bless us for the new phase of our world, may Allah brings happiness and blessings in our lives for infinity and beyond, amin. Protect me, my family, friends and all people around the world, amin Ya Rabb.
Aku nak jadi diri sendiri cukup la. Hahaha. Cuma aku harap dapat change a little bit ke arah kebaikan. Eh silap struktur ayat aku ni -.- Maksud aku, aku nak ubah yang buruk itu kpd yg lebih baik. Kita tgk sama-sama nnti,k? Aku harap ibadah aku full no malas-malas, communication dgn parents, friends and teachers improve, study baik-baik and never give up sbb xguna psg cita2 tnggi kalau xberusaha lgsung. Jadi insan yg lebih ceria dan positif serta matang hanya apabila diperlukan utk jadi sebegitu. LOL HAHAHAHA. Buat org skeliling happy insyallah and hargai zaman skolah yg main sikit. Erk, emo la pulok. HAHA. And jadi Inspirit yang baik. LOL =w=
Less than one hour before 2012 "to everyone, especially my lovely inspirits, happy new year~ hugs and kisses from LeaderGyu♥ Have you guys made your resolution? thank you for keep supporting Infinite this year, we'll work hard 2012!! ♥"
Okay, that's the end. It's first of January. Selit jap; *saengil chukka Sungmin-ssi* Let's start it with thousand thanks and praises to God♥
A girl with a lot of flaws. She went to the wrong ways too often and when she saw the light at the end of the road, she tried hard to reach it but on her way she fell, she tripped and the light dimmed. She nearly gave up but she didn't. She then realized that if she never went through those ups and downs she will never appreciate life as she is now.