Hari tu dah jadi Worldwide Trends dekat Twitter. Makin popular berabis bias aku sorang ni! Makin banyak madu# BUAHAHA. Drama dia mau kena tayang dah weh. #Boleh gila sebentar# Kamu tengok hit-hit aku jugak okay pasal drama tu -.- Sedih giloss kot aku xdapat tengok, dah la main gitar. MAIN GITAR OMGGEESS.
Right, right. Aku menunggu gila drama ni, tapi kena tahan diri lah. Wuish kamu cerita nanti ahh ni drama sama aku. Wahaha!
Kim Myungsoo ♥ Baik2 main gitar, haaa? #LOL# Pastu dorang cakap Infinite mau buat comeback bulan April ni. LIKE SERIOUSLY?
God I WANT TO MEET THEM I WANT TO MEET THEM. PLEASE PLEASE. Homaigod aku harap masa aku fly to Seoul dorang tengah promote album dorang. OHMGEEEEEE AKU TAK BOLEH BAYANG. Aku nak tidur kbai.
Hari tu dah jadi Worldwide Trends dekat Twitter. Makin popular berabis bias aku sorang ni! Makin banyak madu# BUAHAHA. Drama dia mau kena tayang dah weh. #Boleh gila sebentar# Kamu tengok hit-hit aku jugak okay pasal drama tu -.- Sedih giloss kot aku xdapat tengok, dah la main gitar. MAIN GITAR OMGGEESS.
Right, right. Aku menunggu gila drama ni, tapi kena tahan diri lah. Wuish kamu cerita nanti ahh ni drama sama aku. Wahaha!
Kim Myungsoo ♥ Baik2 main gitar, haaa? #LOL# Pastu dorang cakap Infinite mau buat comeback bulan April ni. LIKE SERIOUSLY?
God I WANT TO MEET THEM I WANT TO MEET THEM. PLEASE PLEASE. Homaigod aku harap masa aku fly to Seoul dorang tengah promote album dorang. OHMGEEEEEE AKU TAK BOLEH BAYANG. Aku nak tidur kbai.
A girl with a lot of flaws. She went to the wrong ways too often and when she saw the light at the end of the road, she tried hard to reach it but on her way she fell, she tripped and the light dimmed. She nearly gave up but she didn't. She then realized that if she never went through those ups and downs she will never appreciate life as she is now.