Sat tadi aku geledah la youtube. Then aku carik laa fancam yang best masa Infinite's Second Invasion. Lepas tu kan, aku jumpa satu video ni, baby L aku nangis woii T.T Masa tu tengah nyanyi Julia, Inspirit fanchants and loves berterabur in the air kot, smpai L yg slalu keep his straightface pun nangis. Aku pun hampir nangis tapi aku angau jak tgk dia nangis =w= Adorable betul laa masa dia sniff sniff and mulut dia tu :3 Eeeeee. HAHAHA
Dan yang ni, Infinite semua nangis. Aku rasa nak pengsan masa part Myungsoo bagi ucapan dia. Dia belum start cakap pun fan menjerit dah. =w= Hwaa! Kalau dia nangis, dan time tu dia tgh cakap, suara dia sedih gila plus macho ♥ Then, Hoya baby pun nangis T.T Macho jugak. Dongwoo hyung yang amat baik :3 KEKE. Ada part YaDong laaa ♥ Okay ta mau cerita panjang2. Tengok smpai habis! :) HUHU. I love them lah ! ;')
They love us with all their heart ;') Hwaiting Infinite! Mal iya, saranghandan! ♥ Infinite PASHAAAA!
Sat tadi aku geledah la youtube. Then aku carik laa fancam yang best masa Infinite's Second Invasion. Lepas tu kan, aku jumpa satu video ni, baby L aku nangis woii T.T Masa tu tengah nyanyi Julia, Inspirit fanchants and loves berterabur in the air kot, smpai L yg slalu keep his straightface pun nangis. Aku pun hampir nangis tapi aku angau jak tgk dia nangis =w= Adorable betul laa masa dia sniff sniff and mulut dia tu :3 Eeeeee. HAHAHA
Dan yang ni, Infinite semua nangis. Aku rasa nak pengsan masa part Myungsoo bagi ucapan dia. Dia belum start cakap pun fan menjerit dah. =w= Hwaa! Kalau dia nangis, dan time tu dia tgh cakap, suara dia sedih gila plus macho ♥ Then, Hoya baby pun nangis T.T Macho jugak. Dongwoo hyung yang amat baik :3 KEKE. Ada part YaDong laaa ♥ Okay ta mau cerita panjang2. Tengok smpai habis! :) HUHU. I love them lah ! ;')
They love us with all their heart ;') Hwaiting Infinite! Mal iya, saranghandan! ♥ Infinite PASHAAAA!
A girl with a lot of flaws. She went to the wrong ways too often and when she saw the light at the end of the road, she tried hard to reach it but on her way she fell, she tripped and the light dimmed. She nearly gave up but she didn't. She then realized that if she never went through those ups and downs she will never appreciate life as she is now.