Alhamdulillah. Hari ni aku happy sangat. Happy, you know? Very the very happy punya. *jumps* *terharu* *smile* *fangirling* *spazzing* First off, it's my beloved dad's birthday. LOL macam copy status fb aku jea. Haha. So we celebrated it at home only but nevermind, it was superb. ♥ I was so glad that my father gembira sakan, like joy and happiness fulfilled our house, you know. Alhamdulillah. Both of my mum and dad were like, sweet gila ni. .______. Well, it's awkward to see them making the love sign with their hands, like yeah, the one you always see kpop idols do. Oh, like Woohyun always do LOL. One day, aku harap aku dapat hidup dengan jodoh happy begitu under Allah's will. WOOOO! Limpas limit, limpas limit LOL. Whatde -.- Apa jadi dengan aku -.- Apa ni -.- HAHA. Ignore what I've said just now. Yang penting, SELAMAT HARI JADI AYAH! Ayah rasmi bulan Jun, haha tahniah. That's why my first June always filled with amazing memories. Alhamdulillah. And yeah today is Friday, Friday, moga penuh berkat hari ayah aku hari ni. Amin :3 ILOVEYOU, AYAH. Thanks for everything, I sincerely thankyou. You're the best dad ever ♥ May Allah bless you till Jannah, live happily, ayah :D
Infinite won today! Infinite won ;') Masa dorang perform, I was like, fangirling overloaded, segala fandom aku berterabur keluar, kalah orang lain. Macam tengok live depan mata ha -,- I didn't seat at all. Haha. Mana boleh duduk kalau dorang perform. My whole family were like jeles gila berebut spot depan TV and aku yang, "Ahh since when dorang jeles gila dengan aku berebut mau tengok Infinite perform ni" and I went like tolak adik-adik aku but then ayah aku datang dancing like crazayy and ask group apa ni, aku pun jawab Infinite and there he goes, fanboying LOL. Menari berabis tepi aku and aku masih rebut spot utama depan TV and they were yeah, jeles much. Ciss tak tenang aku tengok Infinite aku perform. Haha so I'll re-watch the performance tengah malam ni. Ke ke ke. :D And when the MC announced they are the winner, here we go again. I went fangirling buat kali ke 400 hari ni and aku terdiam sebab dorang nangis. T^T Oh my oppars dont cry T^T Please don't cry T^T I'm proud of you, boys. And the sweetest part is, Infinite quickly tweet saying thank you for Inspirits and throwing lots of hearts. Awhh, ILOVEYOU more ;') HAHA terharu much. XD
PROUD INSPIRIT. HAHAHA ♥ #INFINITIZE2ndWin trending the world! I'm so happy that I'm wearing my Infinite's T-shirt HAHA.
My Namu.. He cried a lot. His speech was like panjang ni, and I was like terharu di sini T^T The cameraman zoomed his face and I saw the tears falling from his eyes. Aigoo Namu, don't cry ^^
Woogyu moment :3
Lemme get this straight. I am very happy, okay? They worked so hard. Sooo hard.
Till then, I'll write more. I've got mission to do with my siblings. Suprise for my dad ♥ Kbye.
Alhamdulillah. Hari ni aku happy sangat. Happy, you know? Very the very happy punya. *jumps* *terharu* *smile* *fangirling* *spazzing* First off, it's my beloved dad's birthday. LOL macam copy status fb aku jea. Haha. So we celebrated it at home only but nevermind, it was superb. ♥ I was so glad that my father gembira sakan, like joy and happiness fulfilled our house, you know. Alhamdulillah. Both of my mum and dad were like, sweet gila ni. .______. Well, it's awkward to see them making the love sign with their hands, like yeah, the one you always see kpop idols do. Oh, like Woohyun always do LOL. One day, aku harap aku dapat hidup dengan jodoh happy begitu under Allah's will. WOOOO! Limpas limit, limpas limit LOL. Whatde -.- Apa jadi dengan aku -.- Apa ni -.- HAHA. Ignore what I've said just now. Yang penting, SELAMAT HARI JADI AYAH! Ayah rasmi bulan Jun, haha tahniah. That's why my first June always filled with amazing memories. Alhamdulillah. And yeah today is Friday, Friday, moga penuh berkat hari ayah aku hari ni. Amin :3 ILOVEYOU, AYAH. Thanks for everything, I sincerely thankyou. You're the best dad ever ♥ May Allah bless you till Jannah, live happily, ayah :D
Infinite won today! Infinite won ;') Masa dorang perform, I was like, fangirling overloaded, segala fandom aku berterabur keluar, kalah orang lain. Macam tengok live depan mata ha -,- I didn't seat at all. Haha. Mana boleh duduk kalau dorang perform. My whole family were like jeles gila berebut spot depan TV and aku yang, "Ahh since when dorang jeles gila dengan aku berebut mau tengok Infinite perform ni" and I went like tolak adik-adik aku but then ayah aku datang dancing like crazayy and ask group apa ni, aku pun jawab Infinite and there he goes, fanboying LOL. Menari berabis tepi aku and aku masih rebut spot utama depan TV and they were yeah, jeles much. Ciss tak tenang aku tengok Infinite aku perform. Haha so I'll re-watch the performance tengah malam ni. Ke ke ke. :D And when the MC announced they are the winner, here we go again. I went fangirling buat kali ke 400 hari ni and aku terdiam sebab dorang nangis. T^T Oh my oppars dont cry T^T Please don't cry T^T I'm proud of you, boys. And the sweetest part is, Infinite quickly tweet saying thank you for Inspirits and throwing lots of hearts. Awhh, ILOVEYOU more ;') HAHA terharu much. XD
PROUD INSPIRIT. HAHAHA ♥ #INFINITIZE2ndWin trending the world! I'm so happy that I'm wearing my Infinite's T-shirt HAHA.
My Namu.. He cried a lot. His speech was like panjang ni, and I was like terharu di sini T^T The cameraman zoomed his face and I saw the tears falling from his eyes. Aigoo Namu, don't cry ^^
Woogyu moment :3
Lemme get this straight. I am very happy, okay? They worked so hard. Sooo hard.
Till then, I'll write more. I've got mission to do with my siblings. Suprise for my dad ♥ Kbye.
A girl with a lot of flaws. She went to the wrong ways too often and when she saw the light at the end of the road, she tried hard to reach it but on her way she fell, she tripped and the light dimmed. She nearly gave up but she didn't. She then realized that if she never went through those ups and downs she will never appreciate life as she is now.