

fct's dancing machine//gfame

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#Tagged :3
Saturday, June 2, 2012 | 0 comment[s]

Assalamualaikum. Peace be upon to you.

Ohmaigod ._____. asdfghjkl his glare ._____. his smile .___. his eyes .________.

Hey :) So I'm updating this in the middle of my homeworks. Oh well can't resist my blog. Imma update this always while I can. You know, living in a hiatus with lack of holidays and infinity studies, I rarely update my stories. Pfft who cares anyway. =w= Oh yeah, thanks fellow followers :) I appreciate it. Ahaaa :D Kfine mula lah mintapuji aku nak speaking, = =" As I mentioned earlier, I've been tagged by my sweetchingu HanieMinn ^^ Thanks dear~ So let's see how can I answer these ques ^^~*

The first Kpop group you know and you like.
Erk, the first ey. Well, Shupa Junia. Kkk :D Super Junior I think, I've known them since I was in primary school. Well yeah, I've been in their fandom once. :)

The first Kpop song you heard.
Omg, testing memories = = haha. Ehm, it's SJ's song for sure but I don't remember what -.-'

What are the ultimate fandom you're into? Max 2.
Infinite : [Inspirit] and BAP : [Baby] :3 AegInspirit was inspired from them.

Your first bias and he/she is no longer yours.
Lee Minho; Shinee. And yeah, not mine anymore ;~; Mianhae. Haha

Your ultimate bias? Just pick ONE.
Kim Myungsoo; Infinite ♥ Well you can see. He invaded my blog. Hehee~

Do you like Kdrama or variety show? If you do, list it.
Yeah, I like to watch Kdrama. Their acting looks so real, tell ya. And that's why I'm having problem to list it, too many LOL. Well right now I wanna watch SUFBB. :) Variety show, ofcourse lah! HAHA suka sangat. The first variety show that I finished is U-Kiss Vampire. :3 Then Infinite: Sesame Player, YAMO, BOAF, and many more~ BAP TA-DAH! And currently watch Ranking King. ^^ ♥

Do you ever go or buy to their concert or fanmeeting? If you ever, upload the pictures:)
Nahh, never. I live in an island you know -.-' When I was in Korea, I went to KBS hall where Music Bank was held, but unfortunately it wasn't Friday = =" Ohdem if not I can see my biases infront of my eyes =w= Yang lawaknya, there's this area at the wall of the building yang kena conteng berabis by the fans XD Like a lot of fandom sana kot. Habis teruk kena conteng-2 LOL. Ganas. Nasib tangan aku dapat tahan. XD

Currently you listening to what kpop song?
All tracks from Infinite's album, Infinitize :)

Girls group do you hate the most.
Hmm entah. Entah lah. = =

Girls group you like the most.
Apink ;)

Your boyfriend name. (I mean you assume your bias as your boyfriend)
Myungsoo oppar ^^ phew pheww ~(=w=)~

Currently dating with.
Ehemm. Kerja rumah yang berterabur atas katil.

The kpop song you hate.
Taktahu der.

Do you ever think that you want to marry your bias?
Ehem LOL yeah. HAHAHA

Why you love kpop?
Good ques ^^ I was not into this kind of music before, but their music is different than others. Setiap lagu ada gaya masing-masing, dan tidak berkaitan pasal satu topik shja. And the idols, sebelum dapat perform, they worked for years and keep working harder and harder to improve themselves. :)

Do you have a friend or someone you know that hate Kpop?
Haha ada kot. Sometime they insult 'em infront of me but at last dorang pun ikut layan jugak -.-' haha.

Does your boyfriend/girlfriend get jealous with your bias?
Emm no. Erk, pass, pass. =w="

The Kpop song you often play?
Infinite's The Chaser, Only Tears.

Your bias list? Max 5.
Myungsoo, Woohyun (Infinite), Zelo, Daehyun (BAP), LJoe (TeenTop)

Since when you fell in love with your ultimate bias?
Since I saw him for the first time in Sesame Player.

Why do you love him/her?
His unique personalities :3 perfect figure ♥

Does he has a scandal or ideal type girl?
Ramai kot -.-' People shipped him with lots of girls but the thing is he never collab with any of them. Hahaha. His ideal is the one with long and wavy hair, innocent and have a unique aura :) He thinks girls looks the most beautiful when they're smiling :D Owhh kfine konfem angel gila girl dia nanti .____. Aaaaa

Your favorite dance from Kpop group?
Infinite. BAP.

Your bias/sexy hot picture*LOL*

Why is he so gojess .____. Lol semua selca dia mmg hot pun. HAHAHA.

Which kpop blog do you like to view the most? Blogger instead Tumblr.
Nahh, banyak seh. :P

Write a word for your favorite group or idol.
Fighting ^^ Thanks for the hardwork *throwing hearts* Please take care of yourself and may luck showered your life ^^ Lol ni bukan a word lagi nih. Haha. Iloveyou! :3

Write a word for your bias.
Myungsoo-yah, saranghanda ♥ XD

Okeyh, done answering these ques(s). Lol ignore my hyperness here pfft. Aku jawab sungguh-sungguh tu HAHAHA. I'll tag siapa-2 yang nak jawab benda ni. Hahaha so I'll go back to my homeworks guys. =w= Kbye.