Assalamualaikum, peace be upon to you. Wow sudah lama diri ini tidak update blog sehingga ramai yang bertanya. Ternyata aku begitu popular di hati ramai orang /FLIPS AND SLAPS MYSELF/ Okay sebenarnya aku nak update tapi tak tahu pasal apa sobs bersedih lah dengan diriku. Yang minta exchange link tu okay i'll update my links nanti but not now sorry :( Sangat malas nak buka template sekarang idky. But i promise i will letak nanti and thanks for putting my link at yours. Terima kasih.
Tak lama lagi cuti sekolah nak habis. Haruskah aku berjoget? /joget the chaser/ Tapi kerja rumah aku belum siap (coughs) Tapi aku nak juga benda tu siap sebelum buka sekolah, yea lah aku berazam nak siapkan sesuatu sebelum deadline dia cewah tapi macam mustahil -__- Nasib baik folio siap, wah aku rasa memang tebal lah ni. Lol minta puji. Aku harap aku tidak ditendang dari kelas. /usap dagu/ Dan dan tahun depan tahun last aku sekolah! Yet I don't know whether I have to feel excited happy or stay rolling like a buffalo lol. Memang la masa sekolah nak cuti nak bebas nak over semua ni nak skip belajar tapi kan, habis sekolah nanti life will be very different. Percayalah. Aku hargai sangat masa zaman tadika zaman elementary school sampailah sekarang. Aku dapat jumpa raaaamai orang banyak personaliti and I apreciate it so much. Aku rasa lain bila kids nowadays terburu-buru nak rasa kehidupan dewasa, macam nak habis sekolah cepat and terus enjoy kehidupan selepasnya. Kids really (I mean younger people than me heh) Memanglah hidup sekolah tu susah banyak kerja tak dapat enjoy itu ini but really, you have to take things at phase. Enjoy apa yang the world serve at your age now. Dunia luar tak seindah yang disangka for crying out loud! Bila dah besar nanti kau kena masuk universiti, kerja, and kahwin (kalau jodoh dah sampai) and it take years. Besides kau fikir bahagia sangat kehidupan tu? Okay people may misunderstood with my statements I mean bila dewasa nanti there're a lot of responsibilities kau kena tanggung, many unexpected problems rushing to your life so do not think life as adults is all about enjoying life. There're a lot more to be exposed and to defined. Alright dear followers I'm so sorry if my english is not good sobs.
Fyi yes next year aku akan jalani peperiksaan SPM. LOL WHAT'S WITH THE AYAT. Yeah aku dah nak naik form 5 .__. Aku rasa masa cepat sangat berlalu like srsly. Kan kat sekolah aku sebelum exam besar start akan ada seorang student lelaki laungkan azan (minta berkat lah kiranya) masa aku form one aku cakap kat diri aku "bila lah aku mau rasa jadi among the candidates down there" AND BAM! AKU DAH NAIK FORM THREE AND YES AKU DAH RASA MCM MANA PERASAANYA, WOW SO FAST. Then naik form 4 aku tengok lagi senior senior aku and aku tak cakap ayat aku sebelum ni sebab in a short time aku akan rasa kembali perasaan tu and yes i'm going to be a form five student in a short time! p/s; kenapa aku rasa aku over sangat dengan fakta aku akan jadi form five .__.
And I already got many early good luck wishes lol thanks guys ;__; Tapi kan wishes tu buat aku rasa yang SPM tu tinggal sepelaung sahaja lagi. Chiao I'm so scared biadab. But I will do my very best untuk dapat yang the best.Yeorobun please pray for me (y) I will be in a very long hiatus next year aiseh. Because I will spend my time more at hostel rather than in my own house. Aiseseseseh. And I have to leave my brothers (lol brothers), spazz less in any comebacks, control my fangirl's hormones and avoid being too excited for any of their activities, avoid mental breakdwon for not joining others in welcoming them next year. I look so pathetic duh -__- But since aku pernah buat benda ni masa form three so I think it won't be that hard I mean I hope so ;__; Kalau next year Infinite dengan BAP buat nonstop comebacks memang parah la mental aku.
But anyhow aku terfikir nak kurangkan segala rasa minat aku terhadap korea. I mean it's easy for me to leave kpop (SERIOUSLY, I AM NOT JOKING AROUND) but Infinite has been a major problem for me to be very honest. So I've made a decision yang aku memang akan kurangkan segala perasaan dan minat aku ni and anggap yang Infinite tu some kind of my role models after prophet Muhammad SAW and my parents. Memang susah la nak tinggalkan terus sebab it has been my very bones and blood. Okay people may accusing me this and that, judging me from this ayat but you have to understand I AM TRYING TO CHANGE HERE, VERY HARD so please don't push me too much and judging my way to change. Srsly if you REALLY ARE SUDAH BERUBAH why don't you try to support hanyut people like me to change instead of berbangga dengan perubahan kau. I am being very serious now sorry. I am regretting myself so please don't make things much more complicated than before.
"Makruh meminati artis kafir (non muslims) walaupun persembahan mereka tidak melalaikan" - Ustaz Azhar Idrus.
I hope you can see the point why I am trying very hard to change all of these at once. Ayat di atas benar belaka, apakah sebab lain yang ingin kamu pertikaikan? AND THIS IS NOT RELATED ONLY WITH K-IDOLS, artis barat pun sama. So jangan fikir aku cuma tujukan benda ni untuk kfans. For crying out loud try to think mature and dump your immature habits away for a moment.
Assalamualaikum, peace be upon to you. Wow sudah lama diri ini tidak update blog sehingga ramai yang bertanya. Ternyata aku begitu popular di hati ramai orang /FLIPS AND SLAPS MYSELF/ Okay sebenarnya aku nak update tapi tak tahu pasal apa sobs bersedih lah dengan diriku. Yang minta exchange link tu okay i'll update my links nanti but not now sorry :( Sangat malas nak buka template sekarang idky. But i promise i will letak nanti and thanks for putting my link at yours. Terima kasih.
Tak lama lagi cuti sekolah nak habis. Haruskah aku berjoget? /joget the chaser/ Tapi kerja rumah aku belum siap (coughs) Tapi aku nak juga benda tu siap sebelum buka sekolah, yea lah aku berazam nak siapkan sesuatu sebelum deadline dia cewah tapi macam mustahil -__- Nasib baik folio siap, wah aku rasa memang tebal lah ni. Lol minta puji. Aku harap aku tidak ditendang dari kelas. /usap dagu/ Dan dan tahun depan tahun last aku sekolah! Yet I don't know whether I have to feel excited happy or stay rolling like a buffalo lol. Memang la masa sekolah nak cuti nak bebas nak over semua ni nak skip belajar tapi kan, habis sekolah nanti life will be very different. Percayalah. Aku hargai sangat masa zaman tadika zaman elementary school sampailah sekarang. Aku dapat jumpa raaaamai orang banyak personaliti and I apreciate it so much. Aku rasa lain bila kids nowadays terburu-buru nak rasa kehidupan dewasa, macam nak habis sekolah cepat and terus enjoy kehidupan selepasnya. Kids really (I mean younger people than me heh) Memanglah hidup sekolah tu susah banyak kerja tak dapat enjoy itu ini but really, you have to take things at phase. Enjoy apa yang the world serve at your age now. Dunia luar tak seindah yang disangka for crying out loud! Bila dah besar nanti kau kena masuk universiti, kerja, and kahwin (kalau jodoh dah sampai) and it take years. Besides kau fikir bahagia sangat kehidupan tu? Okay people may misunderstood with my statements I mean bila dewasa nanti there're a lot of responsibilities kau kena tanggung, many unexpected problems rushing to your life so do not think life as adults is all about enjoying life. There're a lot more to be exposed and to defined. Alright dear followers I'm so sorry if my english is not good sobs.
Fyi yes next year aku akan jalani peperiksaan SPM. LOL WHAT'S WITH THE AYAT. Yeah aku dah nak naik form 5 .__. Aku rasa masa cepat sangat berlalu like srsly. Kan kat sekolah aku sebelum exam besar start akan ada seorang student lelaki laungkan azan (minta berkat lah kiranya) masa aku form one aku cakap kat diri aku "bila lah aku mau rasa jadi among the candidates down there" AND BAM! AKU DAH NAIK FORM THREE AND YES AKU DAH RASA MCM MANA PERASAANYA, WOW SO FAST. Then naik form 4 aku tengok lagi senior senior aku and aku tak cakap ayat aku sebelum ni sebab in a short time aku akan rasa kembali perasaan tu and yes i'm going to be a form five student in a short time! p/s; kenapa aku rasa aku over sangat dengan fakta aku akan jadi form five .__.
And I already got many early good luck wishes lol thanks guys ;__; Tapi kan wishes tu buat aku rasa yang SPM tu tinggal sepelaung sahaja lagi. Chiao I'm so scared biadab. But I will do my very best untuk dapat yang the best.Yeorobun please pray for me (y) I will be in a very long hiatus next year aiseh. Because I will spend my time more at hostel rather than in my own house. Aiseseseseh. And I have to leave my brothers (lol brothers), spazz less in any comebacks, control my fangirl's hormones and avoid being too excited for any of their activities, avoid mental breakdwon for not joining others in welcoming them next year. I look so pathetic duh -__- But since aku pernah buat benda ni masa form three so I think it won't be that hard I mean I hope so ;__; Kalau next year Infinite dengan BAP buat nonstop comebacks memang parah la mental aku.
But anyhow aku terfikir nak kurangkan segala rasa minat aku terhadap korea. I mean it's easy for me to leave kpop (SERIOUSLY, I AM NOT JOKING AROUND) but Infinite has been a major problem for me to be very honest. So I've made a decision yang aku memang akan kurangkan segala perasaan dan minat aku ni and anggap yang Infinite tu some kind of my role models after prophet Muhammad SAW and my parents. Memang susah la nak tinggalkan terus sebab it has been my very bones and blood. Okay people may accusing me this and that, judging me from this ayat but you have to understand I AM TRYING TO CHANGE HERE, VERY HARD so please don't push me too much and judging my way to change. Srsly if you REALLY ARE SUDAH BERUBAH why don't you try to support hanyut people like me to change instead of berbangga dengan perubahan kau. I am being very serious now sorry. I am regretting myself so please don't make things much more complicated than before.
"Makruh meminati artis kafir (non muslims) walaupun persembahan mereka tidak melalaikan" - Ustaz Azhar Idrus.
I hope you can see the point why I am trying very hard to change all of these at once. Ayat di atas benar belaka, apakah sebab lain yang ingin kamu pertikaikan? AND THIS IS NOT RELATED ONLY WITH K-IDOLS, artis barat pun sama. So jangan fikir aku cuma tujukan benda ni untuk kfans. For crying out loud try to think mature and dump your immature habits away for a moment.
A girl with a lot of flaws. She went to the wrong ways too often and when she saw the light at the end of the road, she tried hard to reach it but on her way she fell, she tripped and the light dimmed. She nearly gave up but she didn't. She then realized that if she never went through those ups and downs she will never appreciate life as she is now.