

fct's dancing machine//gfame

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To the most beautiful woman for me, mum ♡
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 | 0 comment[s]


Accept what level you are in now and re-plan. Do your very best for your next target. Baru masuk mainstream balik.

Common turning point for us to change is at the age of 40. At that time, our perspectives changes a lot. Our view towards life akan lebih cenderung untuk mengenali Allah dengan lebih mendalam. But apa salahnya berubah ke arah yang lebih baik lebih awal supaya jalan untuk bertemu dengan Allah itu lebih mudah?

Masuk universiti nanti, bergaul dengan orang yang berbilang kaum/international students kalau ada and observe them. Cara dorang berfikir dan bersaing lain. If you can, contohi yang bagus la. Okay?

Nanti belajar jauh jauh, jangan jiwang jiwang rindu kami sampai nda dapat belajar. I hate that. (i cant control myself from laughing)

From now on, please focus on yourself. Dont let yourself hurt anymore dengan benda benda yang tak patut. And.. jangan simpan sangat. Because setahu mama, untuk jadi mama yang baik one of the ways is bila anak dia dapat luahkan everything.

On top of everything, warisi kekuatan mama. Jangan cepat nangis dan jangan cepat jadi lemah. Be someone yang mama nda kan risau bila mama tiada nanti.

Jangan takut untuk buat sesuatu yang bukan kebiasaan kau, jangan malu untuk mula balik dari bawah. Mungkin in the end kau akan jadi orang yang lebih berjaya, ok?

Those are nasihat nasihat my mum to me, only a few. There are a lot but aku share ini ja la for now, moga bermanfaat untuk semua yang sudi baca. And the reason kenapa aku buat compilation nasihat2 mama aku sebab it was her birthday yesterday. Aku patutnya update semalam tapi aku penat gila and terkena writer's block so aku kering idea mau tulis apa. Happy belated birthday, mama :-) There's no words to describe what you mean to me. There's nothing I can do to repay everything you've done to me. There's no one that could replace you, mum. There's no way to regret being your child. There's no imagination I would be without you. Allah created a very beautiful woman with a very beautiful heart, and that's you :-) I'm so sorry to make you sad and dissapointed. I'm so sorry for not being able to be a good daughter and ignorant tahap maksima. I am so sorry because I couldn't control myself from getting mad every time you won't let me do something that I want. I am so sorry for everything that I can't remember one by one. I am so sorry for all the bad words I voiced out when I'm mad. I am so sorry when I forgot to put you in my du'a. I am so sorry for all the death stares I gave when I'm not in a good mood. I'm so sorry for being sarcastic. Because of your powerful du'a, everything actually went easy for me. In the end, I just want to say massive thank you and sorry. I love you so much, mum. I love you. I love you. May Allah grant you jannah. May Allah protects you at all times. Smile, mum. Your smile is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in this world. And mama, no matter how old you'll be, you're beautiful to my eyes. You will always be. I love you, mum. I have one promise for you, I'll make you proud someday :) In Shaa Allah. ♡